
Realm Blog


September 2017

What is God Up To?

October 2017

I was listening to a sermon recently and this question was casually asked, What is God up to? It’s a good question.  How would you answer it?

I believe God is up to blessing us. You and me.  His children.  His babies.  The people He loves.

I believe God is up to getting our attention . . . be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10).  Sometimes I think He makes me be still by putting me in bed, as in with sickness.  A sick day will definitely make you still.  When you’re still you can be reminded that He is God.

God is up to reigning.  That’s his job – nobody else’s.

God is up to fulfilling His promises.  There are 3,573 promises in the Bible and He fulfills every one.  Take a minute to think of all the promises He has made to you – He may not have fulfilled each one yet, but He has kept many of His promises in every one of our lives.

I truly believe God is up to spending time with us.  I’m an early riser.  I would be more than happy to sleep past seven on a Saturday morning, but it rarely happens.  When people ask why I’m up so early, this is how I answer:  “The Lord is lonely for me and wakes me to spend some one-on-one time with me before the reality of the world starts.”  Being a Visual Prayer (please feel free to contact me for information on this), the Lord and I sit together and just begin our day with casual chatting that leads to praises that leads to prayers.  It’s a wonderful way to commence a day and it tickles me that the Lord wakes me to spend time alone with me.  Jesus used to go off by Himself to have alone time with the Lord, so I’m following a good path.

When you’re having a bad day, or going through a hard time, please stop and ask, what is God up to?  He may be trying to get your attention.  He may be saving you from a silly decision.  He may just want some time with you.

When you’re going through a great time and blessings are falling around you, stop and ask, what is God up to?  It will give you great reasons to be thankful and praise.

Lindy is a Christian Speaker and Author.  You can contact her through the Realm website:  She is available to speak at churches, retreats, and conferences.

Living Unnaturally

September 12, 2017

People talk about returning to a more simple life, but nobody does much about it.  I’ve found the reason that people often procrastinate or fail to act at all is simply not knowing how to start or what to do.  I’ve also noticed that, in this life, we tend to live unnaturally.  If, in fact, if we did always know what to do and how to do it, and proceeded logically, much more could be accomplished and we would all be happier doing things.  Sadly, that doesn’t seem to be the way life is working . . .

For instance, we often get up before we are fully rested.  Simply stated, that’s not living naturally.  In an orderly universe, wouldn’t we wake naturally after a full night’s rest?  The number of hours needed varies person to person, but the idea is simple – we should wake when we’re rested, not when the alarm buzzes.  There should not be an alarm clock industry. Might we also kill the caffeine industry?

Conversely, how often as children were we put to bed before we were tired, or how often now should we go to bed because we are tired, but we don’t?  We seem to have one more project to finish . . . that’s not natural.  Sleep when you’re tired.  That would be living naturally.

Discipline may not seem natural, but I think it is.  We all feel better having exercised and when we eat right.  Think about your vacations when your entire schedule is off.  Recently on a trip, after several days of sitting on the beach for hours, everyone in the house was antsy and WANTED to exercise.  That’s natural, even though it seems the polar opposite.

The same is true with diet.  We may think we want to eat junk food all the time, but in fact it often leaves us feeling bloated and heavy and unsettled.  But our busy schedules and busy lives and busy world tell us to grab a quick bite – which may be living normally, but it’s living unnaturally.  Living naturally would be preparing healthy meals and stopping and enjoying our meals rather than scarfing them down in the car, at stop lights, possibly by multitasking such as listening to the radio and talking on the phone.

Working outrageously long days and working so many days in a row is living unnaturally.  The Lord took a day off after six days and you should follow His example of resting.  He also looked at what He accomplished and saw that it was good.  Are we always looking back at what we’ve accomplished and acknowledging that we’ve done good, or are we being pushed and looking forward to our next conquest?

Logically, there are things that do and do not make sense in this world.  Treating others kindly is logical, yet not everyone chooses to do so.  Working hard and being loyal should pave your way, but we’ve seen people do everything right and still lose.

Because of the world we’ve created, we can’t always live naturally – sleeping when we want and waking when our bodies tell us.  We can’t always pull the hours we want.  Yet, we can try.  We can work toward a simpler life by trying to live naturally, doing what we intrinsically know to be healthy and good.

Lindy is an In-house Consultant, Business Coach, Speaker, and Author.  She is The Adjunct Executive to companies and departments with 50 – 100 employees, focusing on Communication, Leadership, and Corporate Culture.  You can have Lindy in to motivate your Team with Seminars and Workshops, or be more successful when Lindy works with your staff one day a week, with her unique business model. Call 770-912-6192 today.

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