
Realm Blog


July 2015

Be a Well – August 2015

Recently our pastor told us to “dig a well” because wells, in Biblical times, attracted cattle. A fence was therefore not needed.  I immediately liked the analogy and want to take it further.

I see water as pure, cleansing.  In fact, water is often a symbol for rebirth, i..e., baptism, in the Bible.  The Holy Spirit is often associated with water.  Water is found all over nature, from streams and creeks that may be little more than a trickle, to snow and rain that fall from the heavens, to huge bodies of salty water.  It can be used for recreation in a pool or lake; as refreshment in the form of ice; entertainment and exercise in a multitude of sports and hobbies; and even torture and death.  What a multifaceted compound we have here.  It can save a life or take a life.

So, on to the idea of digging a well, I checked out and found a 9 step process to well-digging, which can be correlated to our Christian walk.  Check this out.

Step 1: Prepare the Well Screen.  What’s a Well Screen?  I didn’t know either.  It allows water to enter the pipe while keeping out mud and debris.  Let’s think of this from the Christian point of view.  What keeps healthy things flowing in and through us, while keeping out the grime?  My first thought is Bible reading.  It seems in my life, that when I’m well-entrenched in daily reading and weekly meetings, that the gunk of life doesn’t stick to me as well.  But, even being away from my Bible or church gathering for a week or two, tends to leave me open to a poor attitude, accepting things that I know aren’t right, and may eventually lead down a path of destruction.  Isn’t that how bad habits start, with just one or two missed steps.  So what is your Well Screen? Your Well Screen may be people.  You might have a spouse or parent or friend who allow good things to enter, but keep out the bad.  I think, in the lives of our children, parents often are the Well Screens, especially when our children are young.

Step 2: Glue the Foot Valves.  Again, what?  Although I do like the verb glue here.  It implies permanence.  The foot valve allows water to be drawn in but does not allow water to escape back out.  From the Christian perspective, I have too often allowed good to come in, only to let it escape out.  In the other direction, we are told to “take hold of our thoughts.”  When we take hold of a questionable thought it allows us to keep the good and not pass along the bad.  In another sense, this would be the part inside us that keeps us from gossiping.  We take in information, which is fine, but we can’t let it back out, which may or may not be gossip.  Better to err on the side of discretion.

Steps 3, 4, and 5: Bore the well.  Bail the well. Set up a tripod over the bore.  This is the work!  This type of well does not build itself.  Boring, bailing, and setting up stuff sound like work.  Well, reading your Bible, spending time in prayer, memorizing your verses, learning how to deal with different people, understanding Old Testament and New Testament cultures and how they relate to Biblical teaching all require work.  Get to it.

Steps 6, 7, and 8: Install the Well Screen, the outer foot valve pipe, and the inner foot valve pipe.  This is the application part.  You have everything set up.  You know the Word.  You are ready to share the truth of the gospel with others.  You look forward to fellowshipping with other believers.  Now is the time to let the rubber meet the road.  Get ready and get busy.

Step 9:  Install the handle.  This means you’re done!  You have a great foundation laid.  You have learned, and will keep learning.  You probably know your Spiritual gifts and key verses.  You understand the fruit of the Spirit.  You have your support system.  You are a functioning, working, refreshing well.  Installing the handle means, in our example, letting people know you are there.  A well that only comes to the ground and bubbles up will water animals, and they will find it.  But better yet when you build the walls and the well can be seen from a long distance.  What can you do, today, to put on your handle?

Keeping a Bible on your desk, in your car, and in your hand is a good way of letting people know you follow Christ.  It may be enough to draw people to you.  At my places of employment it was always pretty well known that I was a pretty conservative Christian woman.  Every now and then someone would approach and request a conversation.  I can’t think of a time when the conversation wasn’t about Christ.  One time, when a student asked to talk to me after class, another student heard about it and asked to stay as well.  I was able to share with two students, who came to me!

Another way of putting on your handle is to sprinkle Christian thoughts and words into your conversations.  I often insert comments such as, “Praise the Lord” and “the Lord is so kind” as I tell my stories or answer questions.  Find words that roll easily off your tongue and people will pick up on your message, that you’re proud to be a Christian.

Of course, if you’re as old as I am, you will remember the CB craze of the 1970’s.  For a short while CB radios were not just for truck drivers.  It seemed to me that everyone had one, including my family.  In that world, your handle was your name, and people would use creative and clever names to identify themselves.  Nobody could just be Joe or Sue.  I think the best handle we can have is Christian, as in Christ follower.  When you put on your handle, and live a life worthy of Christ, people will see you and know there is something different about you.

A few other points about a good well – a well has to be drilled, or bored, into the earth to obtain the water.  Think about our Christian walk.  Jesus said it would be rocky, and He is right!  I know I feel like I’ve been drilled, but that’s what has allowed me to find the source within.  A well continues to flow and give refreshment.  It is continually fed, under the ground, just as you can continue to be fed through your prayer, devotions, Bible reading, and fellowship.  You won’t go dry. Let others seek you out and want to be with you, because you will be effusing Christ’s love.  The well inside you will draw people to you, and to Christ.

Crossroads Career Ministry Meeting

Lindy has been asked to be on a panel on Monday, August 3, 2015, at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church Crossroad Career Ministry.  It’s an open panel discussion, so come and ask any questions you want, about job searches, careers, resumes, and more, all from a Christian perspective.

School Supply Distribution

Realm Ministries will again distribute

school supplies, free of charge, to attendees of C3G – Christ Centered Career Network.

If you are between jobs, please join us at North Point Church on North Point Parkway at 9:30am

on Monday, August 3, 2015.

All school supplies are free as we Share God’s Love in Tangible Ways.

Trust, July 2015 Article

We, as Christians, trust in the Lord, right? We believe, we truly KNOW, deep down, that God is in control. That He will work all things for the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). We accept that God has our best interests and will guide and protect us. Why, then, might we find ourselves struggling with trust?
        First, please don’t say this isn’t your challenge. In my experience, we all face the challenge of trust at one time or another. Hear me out. It’s actually funny, because we put our trust in inconsequential things: I believe this chair will hold me, so I sit down. I’ve seen a chair not hold a person and, literally, break beneath them, sending them crashing to the ground. But even after witnessing that, and in the person’s case having it happen, it didn’t stop either of us from trusting in chairs again.
        I believe the bank will keep my money safe and treat me with respect. Yet how many people believed this in the 1930’s, or Greece today, to find they were wrong? And yes, we do have the Government backing the implied obligation of the bank today, with the FDIC. But, does a bank always treat you with respect? Just this week I heard a seminar where the example was shared that bank employees were so rude to a person that the person took their money and left. But they didn’t put the money under their mattress or in a safe in their home, but in another bank, again trusting for good customer service.
        And we know, we really, truly know, that God can do all things, therefore WE can do all things, through Christ Who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). My question now is, do we live our lives as though this is true?
        This is the reason I say I have seen Christians behave like they don’t trust the Lord. Think of some of the bad times you’ve faced: death of loved ones, job loss, financial challenges, just to name a few. I have known good Christian people who have chosen to stop trusting in the Lord because He didn’t save a family member from death. Of course, we don’t have God’s perspective, and I’m guessing, just guessing here, that the Lord’s decision to take a family member home is more about keeping them from suffering than saying ‘no’ to our prayer request. God is simply not capricious. There is a reason He allows things to happen, even bad things.
        Job losses are usually terrible times in our lives. The first response is often fear. Fear is a lack of trust. When we are truly trusting the Lord, we won’t be afraid that people in our lives will disrespect us for the job loss. We won’t fear the bills that will continue to come. We won’t be afraid that we’ll never find another position. Now, the job may not come in our timing or the form we want, but in truth, I’ve seen jobs arrive, seemingly out of no where, better than what a person previously had. And after the fact, the comment I often hear is, “I don’t know why I was worried.” Worry is another form of fear. Therefore worry is another form of not trusting the Lord.
        Financial challenges don’t come to everyone. They seem to come to me with amazing consistency, but even my challenges, others have pointed out, are what they call First World Challenges. My financial challenge may be not having money to immediately repair something in my house or car. Definitely challenges, but my children are not going without clothes and I do have food in my refrigerator. I know the Lord will supply all my needs, according to His riches in heaven (Philippians 4:19). So why, why do I fret and stress and allow angst in my mind, in my heart, and to leak into my thoughts and even speech?
        By definition, trust is the “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something” ( I have a firm belief that God is reliable. He is Who He says He is! I have a strong belief that He has the ability and strength to make good on every one of the 3,573 promises in the Bible ( I believe that He has my best interest at heart, as He says in Jeremiah 29:11.
        Let’s look at this verse for a minute: “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans for you to prosper and have a future and a hope.” The first person singular word there, the word I, refers to the Lord. HE knows the plans HE has for you. That means you may not. In many cases, you do not. I do not. I have lots of ideas and plans for me, but those may or may not mesh with the Lord’s plans for me. His plans are for me to prosper. Well, so are mine. But because Yahweh is omniscient, His ideas are sure to be better than mine.
        I have an example. My youngest son starts college this fall. Being a divorced mom, there is not much money at the moment. His tuition is due in a few months, and here I am, praying and planning. Well, my plans included looking for loans and getting another job – typical human responses to financial crunches. Out of the blue, my son received a letter with a scholarship in it. It isn’t enough to cover all his expenses, but it helps a lot! The Lord’s way was far superior to my human ideas. Wow.
        So when Jeremiah tells us the Lord has great plans for us, we need to listen, trust, and sit back and relax. Hard to do, right? So, how do we show our trust? Same basic ways we’ve seen before. First, prayer. Commit your ways to the Lord. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
        We need to 1) Trust in the Lord, 2) Stop trusting in ourselves, and 3) Acknowledge (submit to) Him in ALL our ways. There are three very specific steps we can take immediately. And, even better, this Scripture comes with a promise, that “He will make your paths straight.” That means no curves in the road for you. I like it when I can look ahead and see what’s coming. It helps me prepare and simply makes it easier to trust and obey.
        Jeremiah also tells us that when we trust and have confidence in the Lord, we will be blessed (17:7a). Just making a decision to trust, acknowledging that God really does have our backs and nothing horrendous is going to happen to us, is enough to remove weight from my shoulders. On top of that, a blessing is coming.
        So prayer is step one. Second, make sure you are in your Bible every day. There are Bibles available online if you don’t want to carry one. You can download one to your phone, pad, tablet, computer. I think this may be as close as we choose to get to “writing it on our foreheads” (Deuteronomy 11:18-19 and Ezekiel 3:8-9) in our 21st century world.
        In the Word, you will find valuable treasures, such as “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust”” Psalm 91:2; and “In God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” Psalm 56:4.
        Seriously, what can a mere man do? Our God is all powerful, all knowing, all wonderful, all caring, all perfect. No man, or situation, compares with that. Trust in the Lord, not yourself, your job, or any worldly thing.
        What is keeping us from fully and completely relying on the Lord? What is keeping us from KNOWING God is in control? Your circumstances? God knows. Your fear? God knows about that, too. Your past? God was there for all of it, and has already seen your future.
        And third, make a decision to Trust the Lord in everything you do. Accept and believe, and live it out, daily.
In Christ,
For more information please visit

Welcome to Realm Ministries

   Realm Ministries began in 2007 when Lindy Earl wrote an article and sent it, in the form of a newsletter, to every Christian on her email list. The response was incredibly positive and encouraging, and monthly articles followed. Within a few months people were asking for a website, and was established. Today Realm serves the Lord’s family by giving Easter Baskets, School Supplies, and Christmas gifts to families in need. Further, we provide gift certificates to families in need and pay utility bills. Our goal is To Share God’s Love in Tangible Ways.
      In 2009 Realm Ministries incorporated and sought a Board of Directors. In December 2009, after months of work, Realm Ministries submitted paperwork to become a 501(c)3 Corporation. After only one government phone call, Realm Ministries, Inc. was granted 501(c)3 status in June, 2010. Praise the Lord loudly!
      In addition, Realm Ministries looks for opportunities to share acts of kindness. Realm helps people who are between jobs, have cancer or other medical issues, are divorced, had an accident or a fire, or are just going through a rough time. We have paid utility bills before people have their heat shut off and were blessed to be able to help a woman get out of an abusive situation.
      There are many opportunities for these acts of kindness, and the Lord opens our eyes to the ones He wants us to see.

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